More fabulous news from Cassiefairy HQ, my latest makeover project has just been featured in Reloved magazine. I hoped that the project would be used when I sent over the photographs of my Lloyd Loom chairs and was absolutely delighted when I spotted a little pic of them on the front page of the magazine! I got these mid-century modern basket chairs from the carboot sale and they we only £2 each, can you believe it?! Sure the condition was pretty bad – the paint was flaking off and some of the weave was broken – but I thought I’d be able to do something with them to spruce them up.
Ridiculously enough, I almost walked away from them, because I didn’t have space for the chairs in my tiny home at the time. Now that I’ve moved house I’m so chuffed that I bought them because they are the ideal lounging seats for my 50s style kitchen.
Even though they took a bit of cleaning and fixing before I could start upcycling them, I couldn’t wait to pimp them up with some brightly coloured spray paint. I knew that spray paint was my best bet for covering all angles and painting within the woven seat so I picked up a couple of cans of grass green and bright blue paint and set to work.
Pick up a copy of Issue 42 of Reloved from newsagents or buy it online and check out the full step-by-step photos of this easy upcycling project. I think that changing the colour of the legs from black to gold really brought them up to date and they now look as good as some of the brand-new bucket chairs I’ve seen online. I love the bright colours and seeing this result has encouraged me to use bolder hues in my home in the future. I’ve already started painting green, orange and pink on my music storage unit (DIY blog post to follow, I’m sure!)

Hope you like the look of these chairs Have you ever found a bargain at a carboot sale and saw potential in it? Please share your finds and projects with me in the comments section below, I’d love to hear what upcycling you’ve been doing!